Amsterdam shutdown, Bridget Riley, coot

‘Dreaming of Bridget Riley, Mr Coot contributes to Op Art’ is a caption to one of a series of social media posts about a feisty coot with an unexpected knowledge of art history. It’s also part of Amsterdam Shutdown, a larger project comprising my early morning forays into my home town during Covid-19. Like everyone, my life has shrunk dramatically but I try to provide a small antidote both for myself and other people through the photographs I take.

How I work

Out on the street each day at 7.15 am, I head to Amsterdam’s central canals. The light is amazing and there’s almost nobody around. This means I can be far less preoccupied with social distancing, which is incredibly liberating both physically and emotionally. Then I just wait to see what crosses my path. Once I’m back home I disinfect everything: hands, bag, keys and equipment. Fortunately I have a camera that’s weathersealed!

Photo gallery

‘Dreaming of Bridget Riley’ and other photos I’ve taken can be viewed at the Amsterdam Shutdown gallery on this site:

 Amsterdam Shutdown is also regularly featured on my Facebook page:

Finally to return to Mr Coot, of all the subjects I’ve photographed he remains my favourite. With his absurdist humour and cantankerous nature, he makes perfect sense in the topsy-turvy we currently inhabit.