As of 22 October 2021, my photograph of the Moroccan Sahara will be on show in Bergen aan Zee, a North Sea village in the Netherlands. Along with three other photos taken in Ireland, Orkney and Marrakech, this will be my contribution to Artists on Sea V, an annual ten-day art route curated by Gonny van Oudenallen & Anja Swart, both of whom are well known figures in the Amsterdam art world.

Bergen aan Zee

Bergen aan Zee is an artists’ colony and boasts a considerable number of galleries and studios, which is impressive considering the village has only 481 inhabitants.  Artists on Sea’s 2021 edition marks the event’s fifth year and a total of thirty artists will be sharing their work, some of whom have won prestigious art prizes.

The show will be held from 11 am to 5 pm & 22-31 October 2021 in the exhibition spaces of Hotel Mayer, Jacob Kalffweg 4, 1865 AR Bergan aan Zee. It is located opposite the aquarium.

Artists on Sea V Is organised by Gonny van Oudenallen & Dominiek Steinmeijer with the support of Henriette Doeve-Mensink, Jurjen Fontein & Myra Winter. There is also a Facebook page: artistsaanzee


Many more of my photographs are available on my website:

My photo book, The Old Kasbah of Illigh, can be purchased for €19,95 plus postage and packaging, by contacting me through Messenger.

Further information about The Old Kasbah is included in this blog post: