Cloud Appreciation Society

Cloud Appreciation Society

Clouds, Cloud Appreciation Society, Holm, Stromness Museum, Orkney

Recently I was sent a flyer for a cloud photo competition to be judged by the legendary Cloud Appreciation Society. A great choice of subject matter because Orkney – where I’m based at present – has enormous skies and dramatic weather. So, instead of pointing my camera horizontally or towards the ground, I have started looking upwards, an experience which is quite literally dizzying. And, with my head in the clouds, anything is possible. To quote the great photographer Alfred Stieglitz: “My cloud photographs are equivalents of my most profound life experiences, my basic philosophy of life. All art is an equivalent of the artist’s most profound life experiences.”  (more…)

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Simmer Dim

Simmer Dim

Returning to Orkney in the summer, I am experiencing the simmer dim, an eternal twilight where nights are brief or even non-existent. Right now darkness descends shortly before midnight and daylight…

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Fisherman’s Hut and Nousts at Skibo Geo

Fisherman’s Hut and Nousts at Skibo Geo

Fisherman's Hut and Nousts at Skibo Geo, Birsay, Mailand, Orkney, Scotland

Fisherman’s hut and nousts at Skibo Geo. Location: Birsay, Mainland, Orkney (Scotland).

Skiba Geo has been in use since Viking times. It is a sheltered beach allowing easy access for landing fishing boats. In the winter, the boats were pulled up to the nousts at the top of the beach for protection. Moreover, the 19th century fisherman’s hut next to the nousts provided a safe space for storing equipment.

Ultimately, the site fell into disrepair through lack of use in the 1960s. However, it was renovated by the pupils, friends and parents of Class Six of Dounby Primary School in 1989


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