I’m delighted to have been chosen as a member of the visual arts club Arti et Amicitiae. The name means art and friendship, which neatly encompasses the flavour of the largest club for artists and art lovers in the Netherlands. Arti was founded some 180 years ago and is located on the Rokin in the centre of Amsterdam. Behind its stately façade decorated with four ladies or ‘allegories’ representing architecture, sculpture, engraving and painting, Arti presents a exhibition program covering both local and international issues. In addition, the club organises many activities, events and parties, and participates in the political debate on the role of art in society. Members from different disciplines and generations are encouraged to connect with each another and this is doubtless facilitated by its on-site café/restaurant.
Famous names
Those preceding me as Arti members include Piet Mondrian while other famous names comprise Vincent van Gogh, who was a visitor, and Nick Cave and Marc Chagall, both of whom had exhibitions at Arti, although – shock, horror – Chagall sold precisely nothing! Hopefully I will do a little better and I will be contributing a work to Arti et Amicitiae’s annual Salon at the beginning of December.
For further information about Arti: http://www.arti.nl/english/