Honoured that my book, The Old Kasbah of Illigh, is now included in the collection of the Royal Library of the Netherlands in The Hague. Founded in 1798, the Library maintains an emphasis on Dutch history, language and culture, and is accessible for members. Any person aged 16 years or older may join.
Located on the edge of the Moroccan Sahara, Illigh was once a power centre on the Trans-Saharan trade routes from Timbuktu through the desert & on to the Atlantic coast and Europe. Together with gold, gum arabic, ostrich feathers and ivory, enslaved sub-Saharan people were transported to Illigh where they could be bought & sold for Morocco’s internal market. Some of their descendants still live in the village surrounding the Kasbah & have allowed me to photograph them. This includes women, who frequently conceal their identity behind a veil.
How to purchase this book
Jointly published by Maison de la Photographie de Marrakech & Cultural Heritage Publications, The Old Kasbah of Illigh focuses on the noble and historic Aboudmiaa family, the surrounding community, the Kasbah’s architecture and the local landscape. It can be purchased for €19,95 + p&p by contacting me through this website.
© http://www.anniewrightphotography.com
The Royal Library of the Netherlands: https://www.kb.nl/en