Our Lady of Sorrows?
Our Lady of Sorrows?, Mannequin doll? Pulp fiction cover?
This tearful lady is actually displaying the luscious lingerie of Agent Provocateur in an Amsterdam store.
Our Lady of Sorrows?, Mannequin doll? Pulp fiction cover?
This tearful lady is actually displaying the luscious lingerie of Agent Provocateur in an Amsterdam store.
This handsome dummy was spotted in a shop window in Antwerp, Belgium. ©Annie Wright Photography
Even in a heatwave one must always stay stylish in Amsterdam. ©Annie Wright Photography
... in a moment of mindfulness. Photo: © www.anniewrightphotography.com
...spotted at Amsterdam's premier department store. Photo © www.anniewrightphotography.com. Click for a date
Trapped in a shimmering world of light and reflections, the two dear ladies of Antwerp. © www.anniewrightphotography.com. Click to shake hands